Former Students

Students who have previously attended Minot State University as degree-seeking students, who are not currently enrolled, are classified as former students.

If a student has not attended for one semester or more, an Application for Readmission eForm ( must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office for the student's account to be reactivated. It is not necessary to complete a new student application for admission or to pay the $35 application fee again.

Students who have attended other post-secondary institutions are required to submit final official transcripts before registering; this may include submitting military transcripts, and/or older transcripts that are not currently on file.

The Registrar’s Office should be contacted as early as possible so that former students may be invited to participate in early registration.

Former students whose GPA is below a 2.0 with all transcripts taken into account will be admitted on Academic Probation. Students who have submitted transcripts from other institutions that have a negative academic standing may need additional approval from their former institution. These students may also be readmitted on Academic Probation regardless of their GPA. If a transfer GPA has resulted in the student’s Academic Suspension from another institution, the student may be admitted on Academic Probation at Minot State but only if the student has completed their previous institutional suspension policy or Minot State's suspension policy (whichever is greater).The student must maintain satisfactory academic progress or they will be suspended at the conclusion of the term.

Once a student has enrolled as Degree Seeking, they cannot return as a Non-Degree seeking student.