Elementary Education

Bachelor of Science in Education with a major in Elementary Education

The BSEd Program is aligned with the Education Standards and Practices Board of North Dakota grade 1-8 Elementary Education teaching license. Those who wish to teach Kindergarten should add the Kindergarten Concentration to become certified K-8.

Refer to Teacher Education Policies and Procedures of the catalog for details regarding Teacher Education at Minot State University. These pages explain the admission, retention, and exit requirements of the program.

General Education38-40
Students must take life, physical, and earth and planetary science. Two of the three science classes must be lab sciences. Requires GEOG 110 Intro, or GEOG 161 World Regional, or GEOG 289 Introduction to GIS. PSY 111 Intro to Psychology is also required.
Coursework not requiring admission to Teacher Education
ART 201Art Methods for Elementary Education3
MATH 277Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3
MATH 377Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3
MATH 378Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III3
ED 221LDiagnostic Teaching1
MUSC 200Music in the Elementary Classroom2
MUSC 200LMusic in the Elementary Classroom Lab1
ENGL 238Children's Literature3
GEOL 100Earth Science with Lab4
Professional Education Sequence (admission to teacher education required)
ED 322Data Driven Integrated Instruction2
ED 482Student Teaching Seminar: Elementary2
or ED 483 Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary
or ED 484 Student Teaching Seminar: K12
Department Specific Courses (admission to teacher education required)
ED 440Remedial Reading2
KIN 340Elementary Physical Education Methods and Activities2
ELED 352Foundations of Reading3
ELED 421Elementary Mathematics Methods 13
ELED 422Elementary Language Arts Methods 13
ELED 423Elementary Reading Methods 13
ELED 424Elementary Social Studies Methods 13
ELED 425Elementary Education Practicum0
SCI 426Elementary Science Methods 14
ED 492Student Teaching, Elementary7-10
Professional Education Sequence (admission to teacher education not required)
ED 260Educational Psychology2
ED 260LClinical I0
ED 282Managing the Learning Environment2
ED 282LClinical II0.5
ED 284Teaching Diverse Learners2
ED 284LClinical III0.5
ED 320Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment I2
ED 321LClinical IV0.5
ED 323LClinical V0.5
ED 324LFall Experience0
ED 380Technology in Teaching2
SPED 110Introduction to Exceptional Children3
SS 283Diversity in America3
Select one of the following:3
Child Psychology
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Requires either a concentration or credits to total 120 credits.4
Total Hours120-125

The methods classes for elementary education candidates must be taken together in one semester. During this time candidates will complete a five week, full day practicum experience in an elementary school.

Instructional Science Concentration

 Students may have 12 credits in any combination of the following courses:

ED 260Educational Psychology2
ED 282Managing the Learning Environment2
ED 282LClinical II0.5
ED 284Teaching Diverse Learners2
ED 284LClinical III0.5
ED 321LClinical IV0.5
ED 322Data Driven Integrated Instruction2
ED 323LClinical V0.5
ED 320Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment I2
ED 380Technology in Teaching2
PSY 255Child and Adolescent Psychology3
SPED 110Introduction to Exceptional Children3
SS 283Diversity in America3

Kindergarten Concentration

The kindergarten concentration requires a BSEd with a major in elementary education plus the following coursework:

ECE 310Introduction to Early Childhood Education3
ECE 313Language Development and Emerging Literacy3
ECE 361Observation and Assessment ECE3
ECE 436Kindergarten Methods and Materials3
ED 491Student Teaching, Pre-K-Kindergarten5
Total Hours17

Math Elementary K-8 Concentration 

MATH 277Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I3
MATH 377Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II3
MATH 378Mathematics for Elementary Teachers III3
MATH 103College Algebra4
or MATH 104 Finite Mathematics
or MATH 210 Elementary Statistics
Total Hours13

This concentration will allow a student with a BSED degree to obtain Title I licensure for K-8 math.

Reading Concentration

The reading concentration requires a BSEd with a major in elementary education or BSEd in secondary education plus the following course work:

ED 402Content Area and Develop Reading3
ED 440Remedial Reading2
ED 441LClinical Practice in Remedial Reading2
ELED 352Foundations of Reading3
SPED 110Introduction to Exceptional Children3
ECE 312Methods: Arts Integration2
or ECE 316 The Emergent Reader
or ED 320 Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment I
Total Hours15

This course work provides eligibility for a Title I Reading Credential for grades K-8.

Reading Secondary Generalist 5-12 Concentration

ED 320Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment I2
ED 440Remedial Reading2
ED 441LClinical Practice in Remedial Reading2
ED 402Content Area and Develop Reading3
or ENGL 390 Secondary Language Arts Methods
SPED 110Introduction to Exceptional Children3
Total Hours12

This concentration will allow a student with a BSED degree to obtain a Title I generalist licensure for 5-12.

Certificate in Substitute Teaching 

Select 9 credits from the following courses:9
Managing the Learning Environment
Educational Psychology
Teaching Diverse Learners
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Introduction to Exceptional Children
Diversity in America
Total Hours9