Corporate Fitness and Wellness Management

Bachelor of Science with a Major in Corporate Fitness and Wellness Management

General Education
General Education courses38-40
KIN 100Concepts of Fitness and Wellness2
Required Corporate Fitness/Wellness Management Core 1
KIN 120Strength Training1
KIN 126Group Exercise1
ATR 207Prevention and Care of Injuries2
KIN 215Methods of Teaching Sport Activities2
KIN 220Methods of Teaching Dance2
KIN 225Fitness Leadership2
ESR 226Methods of Teaching Group Exercise2
ESR 227Strength and Conditioning Programming Principles and Methods2
KIN 310Organization and Administration of PE and Athletics2
KIN 325Personal Training Methods2
KIN 334Nutrition for Physical Performance2
ESR 342Exercise Programming for Older Adults2
KIN 431Kinesiology3
KIN 433Physiology of Exercise3
KIN 441Evaluation of Psychomotor Performance3
KIN 442Adapted Physical Education2
KIN 497Practicum in CFWM and ESR1-18
Choose 12 Credits from the Following:12
BADM 101
BADM 120
BADM 301
BADM 303
BADM 304
BADM 307
BADM 321
BADM 422
BADM 427
BADM 436
BADM 437
BADM 470
BIT 235
Spreadsheet Applications
Second Major or Minors/Concentration(s)/or Electives28
Total Hours114-133

A minimum of a 2.5 GPA within the Fitness and Wellness major is required for graduation.


Minimum 160 contact hours

Fitness and Wellness Specialist Minor

ESR 226Methods of Teaching Group Exercise2
KIN 100Concepts of Fitness and Wellness2
KIN 120Strength Training1
KIN 126Group Exercise1
KIN 225Fitness Leadership2
KIN 325Personal Training Methods2
KIN 334Nutrition for Physical Performance2
KIN 431Kinesiology3
KIN 433Physiology of Exercise3
Any 2 credits from the following:2
Methods of Teaching Sport Activities
Methods of Teaching Dance
Evaluation of Psychomotor Performance
Adapted Physical Education
Total Hours20

Health and Wellness Concentration

KIN 100Concepts of Fitness and Wellness2
KIN 120Strength Training1
KIN 126Group Exercise1
KIN 215Methods of Teaching Sport Activities2
ESR 227Strength and Conditioning Programming Principles and Methods2
KIN 334Nutrition for Physical Performance2
Choose one of the following:
KIN 220Methods of Teaching Dance2
or ESR 226 Methods of Teaching Group Exercise
Total Hours12