Interconnecting Perspectives

IP1 - Knowledge
Interconnecting perspectives knowledge requires students demonstrate through coursework an understanding of diversity both globally and within the United States.
BIOL 310Ethnobotany4
BIOL 347General Ecology4
CJ 362Gender Issues in Criminal Justice3
COMM 413Gender Communication3
CSCI 331Technology and Society4
ENGL 231Bible as Literature3
ENGL 232World Mythology3
ENGL 240World Literature3
ENGL 265Introduction to Native American Literature3
ENGL 373World Drama3
ENGL 383Topics in Black American Literature3
FREN 101Beginning French I3
FREN 102Beginning French II3
GEOG 110Introduction to Geography3
GEOG 161World Regional Geography3
GEOG 266Latin America and the Caribbean3
GEOG 370Geography of World Tourism3
GEOG 380Cultural Geography3
GERM 101Beginning German I3
GERM 102Beginning German II3
GS 225Intro to Gender/Women's Studies3
HIST 105World Civilizations I3
HIST 106World Civilizations II3
HIST 215HModern World Origins3
HIST 231History of Latin America3
HIST 240History of Africa3
HIST 261American Indian History3
HIST 280Practice and Method3
HIST 306Islam and the Muslim World3
HIST 337Imperialism in Asia3
HIST 364Explorers and Encounters3
HIST 365Peoples and Cultures of Native North America3
HIST 380History of Mexico3
HIST 385History of Brazil3
HIST 430Native American Social History3
HIST 440Comparative Slavery in the Americas3
HIST 442The Crusades3
HMS 333Transcultural Health Care3
HUM 254Non-Western Humanities3
INTB 307International Business3
KIN 407Psychology of Physical Education and Athletes2
LAT 102Beginning Latin II3
LAT 201Intermediate Latin I3
LAT 202Intermediate Latin II3
MHA 344Dynamics of Addiction3
MUSC 201World Music3
MUSC 207History of Pop and Rock Music3
POLS 220International Politics3
PSY 252Child Psychology3
PSY 352Adolescent Psychology3
PSY 379Psychology of Adulthood and Aging3
SOC 374Cultural Studies3
SPAN 101Beginning Spanish I3
SPAN 102Beginning Spanish II3
SPAN 130Spanish for Healthcare Professions3
SPED 140Human Development3
SS 283Diversity in America3
THEA 450Contemporary Drama3
IP2 - Experience
Interconnecting perspectives experience requires students demonstrate through an applied experience an understanding of diversity both globally and within the United States.
ART 496Study Tour0-6
ATR 223A T Clinical Experience II1
BIOL 330Biogeography3
CJ 497Field Experience1-6
COMM 312Travel Writing3
CSD 324Techniques in Communication Disorders3
ED 95Interconnecting Perspectives in Education0
ED 491Student Teaching, Pre-K-Kindergarten4-16
ED 492Student Teaching, Elementary4-16
ED 493Student Teaching, Secondary4-16
ED 494Student Teaching K-124-16
ED 495Student Teaching, Special Education4-16
FREN 201Intermediate French I3
FREN 202Intermediate French II3
GEOL 190Introductory Geology in the Field3
GEOL 290Regional Geology3
GERM 201Intermediate German I3
GERM 202Intermediate German II3
HIST 95Intercultural Experience0
HON 496HHonors Study Tour0-6
HUM 496Study Tour1-6
INT 496Study Abroad (Non-Reciprocal)1-18
INT 497Study Abroad1-18
KIN 220Methods of Teaching Dance2
MGMT 301Fundamentals of Management3
NURS 456Public Health Nursing5
NURS 457Public Health for the Professional Nurse5
POLS 95Political Science Experience0
PSY 495Service Learning3
PSY 497Psychology Practicum3
RAD 405Radiologic Technology Clinical1-15
SOC 201Social Problems3
SPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I3
SPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II3
SPED 296Field Experience in IDD4
SPED 433Field Experience2
SPED 497Advanced Field Experience in IDD8
SWK 490Field Education12