Academic Requirements

Academic Honesty

Honesty and integrity are central to academic life at Minot State University. They create a trust necessary in a community of scholars. When that trust is violated by cheating in any form, the atmosphere of academic freedom is threatened.

Minot State University is committed to academic integrity. Incidents of academic dishonesty may be documented by the faculty member with a copy of the documentation maintained by the department/division chair. A letter of explanation will be sent to the student. Cheating may affect the student in accordance with the faculty member’s grading policy. The student may appeal the faculty member’s penalty to the department chair. Student disciplinary action may result in accordance with the Student Conduct Policy, found in the Student Handbook. Academic dishonesty would include, but is not limited to, the following types of behaviors:

  1. Misrepresenting another individual’s work as one’s own, e.g., plagiarism from hard copy or the internet.
  2. Copying from another student during an exam.
  3. Altering one’s exam after grading for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade.
  4. Submitting the same paper to more than one class.
  5. Use of any material or device not approved by the instructor during an exam.
  6. Turning in reports intended to be based on field collection data but which are, in fact, not.
  7. Failure to respect the confidentiality of persons served or studied and to maintain the professional standards for ethical conduct as set forth in The Handbook of School Psychology published by the National Association of School Psychologists.